Saturday, December 22, 2007

Insurance: Ask the right questions

Insurance: Ask the right questions

As we enter the peak tax-saving season, you will notice an increase in advertisements related to tax-planning products. Expect an escalation in the noise surrounding tax-saving products like life insurance and mutual funds. These advertisements will almost certainly be followed up by persistent calls from telemarketers, not to mention personal visits from your friendly neighbourhood insurance agent. So as an investor you are likely to be very busy over the next few months dealing with people who will be going all out to make you buy what fetches them the highest commission, in this case life insurance.
Being financial planners, we have observed that salaried individuals are primarily concerned, more than anything else, about tying up their tax-planning in time to meet the deadline set by the employers. They don't dwell too much on the instruments that must form part of their tax-saving kitty; their objective is getting the tax-planning out of the way as soon as possible so that they can get on with their work as usual.
While we empathise with the salaried individual's focus on his work, we believe there is a case to treat tax-planning as more than a mere distraction. For one, it's the investor's hard-earned money; so treating it like someone else's business is not a very healthy attitude. Since it's his money (or your money if you happen to be that salaried individual) it's only natural to treat the money as sacred and ask a lot of questions before taking an investment/insurance decision. If they find themselves constrained for time, then they must begin the tax-planning exercise a little earlier, which is what we have been advocating to our clients for several years now.
Since a lot of noise that you will be hearing over the next few months will revolve around life insurance, particularly of the now-very-familiar ULIPs (unit linked insurance plans) variety, you must be armed with the right kind of background knowledge. This will help you pose the right questions to the telemarketer and/or counter the insurance agent's sales pitch.

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